Demise of the Ivory Tower – Ewa Strumiłło

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Series: Podróże i wyprawy

ISBN print: 978-83-7967-240-0

Epub: 978-83-7967-256-1

Mobi: 978-83-7967-257-8

Print length: 204

Cover: Paperback

Dimensions: 140 x 210 mm 

Publication date: 2022

Price: 180 zł

Shipping: 75 zł

Producent: Wydawnictwo Stapis Anna Pisarek, ul. Floriana 2a, 40-288 Katowice,, tel. 605 963 179


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EWA STRUMIŁŁO – graduated from Uniwersytet Warszawski (University of Warsaw Poland) and Europa Universität Viadrina (Germany). She participated in numerous projects founded by international organizations. She was the Founding Chairperson of political NGO (European Union of Women – Polish Section). Ewa Strumiłło owned and managed several companies in Poland. She worked in recruitment industry in Austria. She worked at AUT (Auckland University of Technology) in New Zealand. She strongly believes in freedom of enterprise.

About the book

We are living in turbulent times. Do you want to know when and why scientists abandoned the Ivory Tower? Read this study to find out.

This study provides a benchmarking analysis of selected research centres at business  faculties and identifies benefits of establishing them, while drawing a general picture of the academic research environment, as depicted by international scholars of recent years.